These tour dates are pencil dates so far and it is an uncomplete list.I just wanted to give you an idea of what's going on in my life right now.
September 3-Newport News,Virginia (private show)
September 16-Sofia ,Bulgaria-Incognito
September 29-Baltimore Maryland-Rams Head Live
DEC 15 fly to Thailand
DEC 16 Bangkok, Thailand
DEC 17 Seoul, Korea
DEC 18 Seoul, Korea (day off)
DEC 19-25 (7 days) Blue Note Tokyo
DEC 26 off DEC 27-28 (2 days) Nagoya Blue Note
DEC 29-31 (3 days) Osaka Blue Note
fly back on the 1st or 2nd January 2006
January 6-BlackPool,England-Maysa Smooth Sailing promo
My mom made these beautiful cakes for a friends baby shower..aren't they sweet!
Don't Forget!...I want to see you at the Ram's Head Live! In Baltimore onn September 29!
I just took Jazz to his Kindergarten orientation at school..joined the feel like a real mommy today.